The First Exhibition

These are the pieces from my very first exhibition. On the 20th of October at Sun City Gallery, Noosa I held an opening night with these images hanging on the walls here in Noosaville. I got to share a little bit about how all of these images have come about from a journey of self discovery in a dark season. They speak to the idea that while you need community and we are always doing life with others, at the end of the day you are on your own journey. To have faith in yourself, even out of your comfort zone, even away from community, friends, family and lovers, you are the only person to wake up in your own skin. You have to believe in yourself and you have to follow your own path.

In all of these images there is a continuity of being alone even in company. Through my experience of dark times there has been such a realisation that strength comes from believing in myself and trusting stepping into new, seemingly dark spaces is where I find growth and then I find fullness.